Mar 14, 2008

CASL and Christopher House visit the Chicago Children's Museum

The first
Friendship Journeys excursion to the Chicago Children's Museum took place on March 13. About 18 families from the Chinese American Service League and Christopher House came out for an evening of art, play and discovery.


Upon arrival, families worked together on their Joseph Cornell inspired projects. Children painted the inside of their boxes using bright colors. Tamara talked about how different colors can express different feelings and ideas. Children also drew pictures of their favorite people, animals and interests to add as collage elements.

This mom is helping her son choose and cut out pictures of animals to use in his box. Friendship Journeys offers the opportunity for children and parents to share special time together and for families from different parts of the city to interact and get to know each other.


After spending time in the studios, families had a chance to explore the museum. The Chicago Children's Museum is a place where children can learn through play and creativity.

We hope all the families enjoyed themselves. Please post a comment about your experience. We would love to hear from you. You can submit it at the end of this post or send it to me via e-mail at

See you soon!